v4l2 format conversion

Regine Issan regine.issan at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 19:31:05 UTC 2023

Thank for your replay.
I am it using gstreamer but real web cam.
Any idea suggestions ?

On Sun, Oct 8, 2023 at 22:19 Nicolas Dufresne <nicolas at ndufresne.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> Le dim. 8 oct. 2023, 10 h 00, Regine Issan via gstreamer-devel <
> gstreamer-devel at lists.freedesktop.org> a écrit :
>> Hello Dear community,
>> I will appreciate your opinion regarding the question below.
>> THanks in advance.
>> I need an app that uses v4l2 to capture frames from webcam.
>> the app needs to process (un compressed !!!) 4k frames with 30fps.
>> according to v4l2-ctl, to get 4k frames with 30 fps, camera requires
>> MJPEG files (compressed).
>> That means MJPEG files has to be converted to raw files (eg, RGB).
>> question is:
>>    1. is there any way to configure v4l2 do the conversion for me
>>    or do i have to write special code to do the conversion ?
>> As you are asking on GStreamer mailing list, I will assume you intend to
> use GStreamer. A simple pipeline like this (you can test with
> gst-launch-1.0) can do:
> v4l2src ! queue ! jpegdec ! ...
> Depending on your platform, a hardware accelerated jpeg decoder might be
> available.
>>    1. if i have to write special code to do the conversion,
>>    is there any recommandation how to do it efficently ?(i an working
>>    with Orin)
> Orin like in Jetson Orin? If yes, some Nvidia specific elements might be
> needed to move the memory into memory usable by the GPU, refer to Nvidia
> forum for more details.
> Nicolas
> p.s. GStreamer also have a forum now at discourse.gstreamer.org
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