Avimux refuses Video Caps

Marianna Smidth Buschle msb at qtec.com
Thu Sep 21 12:16:35 UTC 2023

My first guess is problems with the colorimetry, I had issues with other 

You can try debugging further with: |--gst-debug=*:3,GST_CAPS:5|

So you can pin point what parts of the CAPS is going wrong.

In some situations a 'h264parse' might help.

Best Regards


On 21/09/2023 14.00, gstreamer-devel-request at lists.freedesktop.org wrote:
> Hey guys,
> i developed a pipeline with two parallel streams which are combined in a muxer. There is one audio stream and one video stream. My problem is, that the GstAviMux refuses the following videocaps:
> video/x-h264,
>              stream-format=(string)byte-stream,
>              alignment=(string)au,
>              width=(int)1280,
>              height=(int)720,
>              framerate=(fraction)0/1,
>              chroma-format=(string)4:2:0,
>              bit-depth-luma=(uint)8,
>              bit-depth-chroma=(uint)8,
>              parsed=(boolean)true,
>              profile=(string)constrained-baseline,
>              level=(string)3.1
> As i understand the documentation of the GstAviMux element, it should accept this caps. Is there any ideas for this problem?
> Kind regards,
> Felix Sternkopf

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
“Marianna Smidth Buschle”
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