gst_element_factory_make returns nullptr on Android

Ramil Galin leftbyheaven at
Tue Feb 13 08:00:54 UTC 2024


I am developing an app for Android using JNI. I use CMake to build my jni
lib and follow this
example to configure the CMakeLists.txt and gstreamer_android.cpp. I
declare and register plugins according to the example either.

The problem is that when I try to create some element of pipeline (e.g.
"filesrc", "videotestsrc" etc.) using *gst_element_factory_make, *it
returns nullptr. I posted the questions on stackoverflow
and gstreamer
forum but still got no answers.

I would appreciate if you could help me with this problem.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Ramil Galin
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