What is the Plan of libcamera plugin support in gstreamer mono repo?

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at ndufresne.ca
Thu Jun 27 13:32:26 UTC 2024


Le jeudi 27 juin 2024 à 10:35 +0000, Jared Hu a écrit :
> Hi
> We are check the gstreamer libcamera support. Currently libcamerasrc plugin is
> maintained     in     libcamera     repo     which     is         added     by
> Nicolas.https://git.libcamera.org/libcamera/libcamera.git/tree/src/gstreamer
> I wonder do we have plan to move this support into our gstreamer mono repo? Or
> is there any plugin can be used in current gstreamer mono repo?

We did agreed (with the libcamera maintainers) on a long term plan to move it,
but now is too early. I will continue maintaining this within libcamera project
for the time being.There is no immediate benefit of having this in mono repo at
this point. For now, I'd like to see controls support evolve.  There is ongoing
maturing work also, stress testing have revealed some flaws which are being
addressed. There is some missing/broken API in libcamera that may lead to an API
break in the future in regard to sensor configuration, this is also a
problematic issue I'd like to see addressed. The main downside for me and the
GStreamer contributors is that its an email/patch workflow. Typical GStreamer
developers now have years of experience with gitlab MR. It is a lot faster for
them to contribute that way. It is otherwise driven by great developers, and
they do an amazing job. For general discussion, I'm fine using mailing list,
though most discussions have moved to discourse.gstreamer.org now. Some also
made it as feature request, like this
one: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer/-/issues/3560

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