<div dir="ltr">"While you may be able to define a width through setting the caps, you cannot set a GObject property called "width" because there is no such property for GstAppSrc. You cannot make up new GObject properties just because the caps are ANY."<div><br></div><div>Hi, yes could be, but my thinking is, there are two different things: </div><div><ul><li>Element propierties: we change them with the g_object_set() funtion.</li><li>Element capabilities: we usually change them with a capsFilter, or like my case, with the function
gst_app_src_caps (). </li></ul><div>Well, if it is true, in my code, I´m changing a cap not a propierty, so the error don´t make sense. And shoul be somethin like: "the element appsrc has not width capability". But he has "ANY". </div></div><div><br></div><div>Please, if I wrong, let me know. </div><div><br></div><div>Thanks, Mario. </div></div>