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<p><font size="+1"><tt>Hello,</tt></font></p>
<p><font size="+1"><tt><br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt>I am streaming video from an IP camera into a
web browser using this pipeline:<br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt><br>
<p><font size="+1"><tt>gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin
uri=<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="rtsp://192.168.x.y:554/user=admin_password=XXXXXXXX_channel=1_stream=0.sdp?real_stream">rtsp://192.168.x.y:554/user=admin_password=XXXXXXXX_channel=1_stream=0.sdp?real_stream</a>
name=d ! queue ! theoraenc ! oggmux name=m ! tcpserversink
host=192.168.a.b port=8080 d. ! queue ! audioconvert !
audioresample ! flacenc ! m.</tt></font></p>
<p>At times the stream starts with a gray screen, with some parts of
the screen in "negative looking" colors, sometimes it starts
correctly but after a bit it turn like that. (I can send a screen
shot). <br>
<p>any ideas?</p>