<div dir="ltr">I have a desire to build Gstreamer on Windows, more specifically a debug build so that I can track down some crashes that are occurring. Unfortunately, it seems as though this isn't a thing that's well-traveled, or I'm at least getting conflicting information on forums and blog posts about the process. I thought I'd ask on here about the latest state of things since blog posts/forum posts can be depreciated quickly with updates. I'm cool with RTFM, but some sources I'm reading say the manual itself is out of date. <br><br>For example, a couple of blog posts (such as this one:
<a href="https://cardinalpeak.com/blog/build-gstreamer-on-windows-an-advanced-tutorial/">https://cardinalpeak.com/blog/build-gstreamer-on-windows-an-advanced-tutorial/</a>) that don't appear too old, mention the existing instructions are, and I quote, "woefully out of date" (presumably when specifically targeting Windows) and that the task is "fairly complex". There are Windows builds, and so presumably there is a well-tested method for generating these binaries on Windows. If so, surely there are well-tested steps out there for doing what I want. But if instructions available to me (I'm assuming this blog post meant the official instructions) are out of date, I'd like to keep that in mind as I'm using them. Or if HE is wrong, I'd like to know that. And if the official instructions are NOT out of date, I'm wondering if anyone has had any luck using them to generate any other than release builds? <br><br>Any advice? Pointers? Feedback? Thanks for your time. <br><br><br></div>