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<div>I'm trying to get a webrtcbin running which has data channels only (i.e. no audio, no video.) I started with the working sendrecv example and got to the point where I had a working data-channel with audio only. When I remove audio the data channels fail
to connect - one data channel is created by GStreamer code, another intiated on the browser side. <br>
<div>I found and example (link below) for only receiving streams in which the gst_parse_launch() was removed and one-way transceivers manually added. I read that without a audio/video sink pad connected the transceivers need to be manually created. Maybe
this is also related to data channels not functioning?<br>
<span>So, I'm assuming there is something preventing these data-channels from getting established, and asking how to get past it?
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This is with everything running on one machine, Windows and GStreamer 1.16. </span> Thanks in advance!</span>
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