[gst-embedded] Gstreamer Demuxers

Michael Smith msmith at xiph.org
Thu Aug 7 10:18:50 PDT 2008

On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 8:08 PM, gulshan karmani
<gulshan.karmani at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
>      I have some questions regarding Gstreamer Based Demuxers used
> inside poky for media playback,
> 1. While using  'avidemux'  as a demuxer plugin we get continuous
> 'Alignment Traps'
> which is affecting the audio quality. We have a cmdline option to tell
> the kernel to fix these traps and suppress the warning but this could
> be just a workaround.
> Is this alignment trap caused by demuxer ? Or we need to take care of something
> in lower layers ?
> Instead of avidemux if we use 'ffdemux_avi' we do not get these traps.

I assume this is something doing unaligned multibyte reads? It's quite
possible that this is something in avidemux - not exactly a bug, but
code that could be improved.

If you can fix it, we'd certainly include your patches in future versions.

> [We use Gst-omx decoders below which are calling ffmpeg for decoding,
> ffmpeg has been hardware accelerated].
> 2. Which are the Stand-alone Aac and mp3 demuxers inside Gstreamer to be used ?
> We are trying to use ffdemux_mp3 for mp3 and getting some package
> building issues.

Do not use that. mp3parse is the appropriate element for parsing mp3
bitstreams. It should get autoplugged.

> While for Aac we tried gst faad but this is being identified as Aac
> decoder along with parser. Could we not use this plugin just as a
> demuxer ?

No. Currently, I don't think there's a raw AAC bitstream parser in
gstreamer. If you could contribute one, that would be very welcome -
quite a few people have asked for it. Basing this on mp3parse might be
a good idea - there's probably lots of things that would be similar.


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