hal: Branch 'master' - 3 commits

Richard Hughes hughsient at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Aug 14 02:52:52 PDT 2007

 fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-hp.fdi  |    4 ++++
 fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-ibm.fdi |    1 +
 fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-acer.fdi        |   16 ++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 21 insertions(+)

New commits:
diff-tree 99aaae3e58698f75ebbcb88c8d27e6bf45b579c7 (from 1e35ae7ec96ee063b9868c59a85b956710fdb32c)
Author: osma ahvenlampi <oa at iki.fi>
Date:   Tue Aug 14 12:52:35 2007 +0100

    add keymap for Acer TravelMate 6292
    New computer, new hal-info patch :)
    No quirks needed, though I find VBE POST doesn't hurt and might even
    be helpful, but this makes the special keys work:

diff --git a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-acer.fdi b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-acer.fdi
index 9e48f75..62ceea4 100644
--- a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-acer.fdi
+++ b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-acer.fdi
@@ -280,6 +280,22 @@
             <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e074:prog1</append> <!-- "e" Acer eManager button -->
             <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.keymap</append>
+          <!-- TravelMate 6292 -->
+          <match key="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer:system.hardware.product" contains="6292">
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e025:help</append> <!-- Fn+F1 Hotkey help -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e026:setup</append> <!-- Fn+F2 Acer eSettings -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e027:battery</append> <!-- Fn+F3 Power Management -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e029:switchvideomode</append> <!-- Fn+F5 Display toggle -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e055:wlan</append> <!-- Wireless (toggle) on-to-off -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e056:wlan</append> <!-- Wireless (toggle) off-to-on -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e059:bluetooth</append> <!-- Bluetooth (toggle) on-to-off -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e054:bluetooth</append> <!-- Bluetooth (toggle) off-to-on -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e071:f22</append> <!-- Fn+F7 Touchpad toggle (off-to-on) -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e072:f22</append> <!-- Fn+F7 Touchpad toggle (on-to-off) -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e073:prog2</append> <!-- "P" programmable button -->
+            <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e074:prog1</append> <!-- "e" Acer eManager button -->
+            <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.keymap</append>
+          </match>
diff-tree 1e35ae7ec96ee063b9868c59a85b956710fdb32c (from 0fa94ede0b504850a616466b17c5cefba050cbe4)
Author: Pekka Pietikainen <pp at ee.oulu.fi>
Date:   Mon Aug 13 09:03:06 2007 +0100

    add suspend quirk for X31 (2672CBG) backlight quirk
    Well, the attached patch makes the backlight on my X31 really go off when
    suspending (it doesn't, and the battery runs out in a few hours).
    There's something funny about the current quirk though, mine is
    matched by a entry that is commented as X40,
         <match key=system.hardware.product prefix=2672>
      system.chassis.manufacturer = 'IBM'  (string)
      system.chassis.type = 'Notebook'  (string)
      system.firmware.release_date = '09/22/2005'  (string)
      system.firmware.vendor = 'IBM'  (string)
      system.firmware.version = '1QET97WW (3.02 )'  (string)
      system.formfactor = 'laptop'  (string)
      system.hardware.primary_video.product = 19545  (0x4c59)  (int)
      system.hardware.primary_video.vendor = 4098  (0x1002)  (int)
      system.hardware.product = '2672CBG'  (string)
      system.hardware.serial = '99CDPCY'  (string)
      system.hardware.uuid = 'DCA94A01-4757-11CB-B939-E5EBFBD084DE'  (string)
      system.hardware.vendor = 'IBM'  (string)
      system.hardware.version = 'ThinkPad X31'  (string)
      system.kernel.machine = 'i686'  (string)
      system.kernel.name = 'Linux'  (string)
      system.kernel.version = '2.6.23-0.71.rc2.fc8'  (string)
      system.product = '2672CBG ThinkPad X31'  (string)
    In fact, dpms_suspend is the only quirk I need, radeon_off/s3_bios&mode
    seem to do neither help nor hinder (maybe make suspend/resume slower)...

diff --git a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-ibm.fdi b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-ibm.fdi
index 8b7b7c9..4f0710d 100644
--- a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-ibm.fdi
+++ b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-ibm.fdi
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
       <!-- X40 -->
       <match key="system.hardware.product" prefix="2672">
+	<merge key="power_management.quirk.dpms_suspend" type="bool">true</merge>
         <merge key="power_management.quirk.s3_bios" type="bool">true</merge>
         <merge key="power_management.quirk.s3_mode" type="bool">true</merge>
         <merge key="power_management.quirk.radeon_off" type="bool">true</merge>
diff-tree 0fa94ede0b504850a616466b17c5cefba050cbe4 (from 3e00518ed2f0d48d106a32200507a2a7ce4985df)
Author: Aurelien Bompard <aurelien at bompard.org>
Date:   Mon Aug 13 08:59:14 2007 +0100

    add suspend quirk for hp 6320
    Hi all,
    This patch fixes suspend on my HP 6320. It should be pretty straightforward,
    it's a simple copy of the 6120 entry.
    FYI, on this laptop I'm running Fedora 7 with hal-info 20070725, kernel and the intel video driver.
    With the patch, it works like a charm :)

diff --git a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-hp.fdi b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-hp.fdi
index 065f768..5d44520 100644
--- a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-hp.fdi
+++ b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/20-video-quirk-pm-hp.fdi
@@ -66,6 +66,10 @@
         <merge key="power_management.quirk.vbe_post" type="bool">true</merge>
         <merge key="power_management.quirk.vbemode_restore" type="bool">true</merge>
+      <match key="system.hardware.product" contains="nc6320">
+        <merge key="power_management.quirk.vbe_post" type="bool">true</merge>
+        <merge key="power_management.quirk.vbemode_restore" type="bool">true</merge>
+      </match>

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