hal: Branch 'master'

David Zeuthen david at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Mar 19 19:48:46 PDT 2007

 doc/spec/hal-spec-properties.xml |   51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 51 insertions(+)

New commits:
diff-tree 5840b9a5296af0790334c7261eadfa5e21b432b0 (from ca868fc31b6bad489b34cf6c66f023db94909f4d)
Author: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 19 22:48:37 2007 -0400

    define 'scanner' capability

diff --git a/doc/spec/hal-spec-properties.xml b/doc/spec/hal-spec-properties.xml
index 6b88ccf..cd206d6 100644
--- a/doc/spec/hal-spec-properties.xml
+++ b/doc/spec/hal-spec-properties.xml
@@ -4604,6 +4604,57 @@
+    <sect2 id="device-properties-scanner">
+      <title>
+        <literal>scanner</literal> namespace
+      </title>
+      <para>
+        Device objects with the capability <literal>scanner</literal>
+        represent image scanners. This capability should be merged
+        on the appropriate device object that represents the
+        addressable piece of hardware that is the digital still
+        camera; for USB devices this would be the device object
+        representing the appropriate USB interface. The following
+        properties are available:
+      </para>
+      <informaltable>
+        <tgroup cols="2">
+          <thead>
+            <row>
+              <entry>Key (type)</entry>
+              <entry>Values</entry>
+              <entry>Mandatory</entry>
+              <entry>Description</entry>
+            </row>
+          </thead>
+          <tbody>
+            <row>
+              <entry>
+                <literal>scanner.access_method</literal> (string)
+              </entry>
+              <entry></entry>
+              <entry>Yes</entry>
+              <entry>This property defines how the device is accessed </entry>
+            </row>
+            <row>
+              <entry></entry>
+              <entry>proprietary</entry>
+              <entry></entry>
+              <entry>
+                The device is accessed from userspace through
+                a userspace driver such as SANE.
+              </entry>
+            </row>
+            <row>
+              <entry></entry>
+              <entry></entry>
+              <entry></entry>
+              <entry></entry>
+            </row>
+          </tbody>
+        </tgroup>
+      </informaltable>
+    </sect2>
     <sect2 id="device-properties-laptop-panel">
         <literal>laptop_panel</literal> namespace

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