PolicyKit: Branch 'master'

David Zeuthen david at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Nov 21 17:34:11 PST 2007

 src/kit/kit-string.c                             |    7 
 src/polkit-grant/polkit-authorization-db-write.c |  118 +++++--
 src/polkit-grant/polkit-explicit-grant-helper.c  |   26 -
 src/polkit-grant/polkit-revoke-helper.c          |   43 +-
 src/polkit/polkit-authorization.c                |  356 ++++++++++++-----------
 5 files changed, 315 insertions(+), 235 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f862419840cf57bb3b8ef511ed74dfddf1e4b8f7
Author: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 21 20:33:35 2007 -0500

    rework the .auths file format to use key/value pairs and make it future-proof

diff --git a/src/kit/kit-string.c b/src/kit/kit-string.c
index ef1ccd4..29dcf03 100644
--- a/src/kit/kit-string.c
+++ b/src/kit/kit-string.c
@@ -611,7 +611,8 @@ out:
  * Takes an array of key/value pairs and generates a string
  * <literal>"k1=v1:k2=v2:...:k_n=v_n"</literal> where
  * <literal>k_i</literal> and <literal>v_i</literal> are percent
- * encoded representations of the given key/value pairs.
+ * encoded representations of the given key/value pairs. The string
+ * will have a newline (ASCII character 10) at end.
  * The string can later be parsed with kit_string_entry_parse() to get
  * the exact same list of key/value pairs back.
@@ -660,6 +661,10 @@ kit_string_entry_createv (char *buf, size_t buf_size, const char *kv_pairs[])
                 m += kit_string_percent_encode (buf + m, buf_size - m > 0 ? buf_size - m : 0, value);
+        if (m < buf_size)
+                buf[m] = '\n';
+        m++;
         if (m < buf_size)
                 buf[m] = '\0';
diff --git a/src/polkit-grant/polkit-authorization-db-write.c b/src/polkit-grant/polkit-authorization-db-write.c
index fecd475..9ca5b5c 100644
--- a/src/polkit-grant/polkit-authorization-db-write.c
+++ b/src/polkit-grant/polkit-authorization-db-write.c
@@ -235,7 +235,6 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_process_one_shot (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
         char *action_id;
         uid_t caller_uid;
         pid_t caller_pid;
-        char *grant_line;
         polkit_bool_t ret;
         polkit_uint64_t pid_start_time;
         struct timeval now;
@@ -270,19 +269,33 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_process_one_shot (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
                 return FALSE;
-        grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("process-one-shot:%d:%Lu:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n", 
-                                      caller_pid, 
-                                      pid_start_time, 
-                                      action_id,
-                                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
-                                      user_authenticated_as,
-                                      cbuf);
+        char pid_buf[32];
+        char pid_st_buf[32];
+        char now_buf[32];
+        char uid_buf[32];
+        char auth_buf[1024];
+        snprintf (pid_buf, sizeof (pid_buf), "%d", caller_pid);
+        snprintf (pid_st_buf, sizeof (pid_st_buf), "%Lu", pid_start_time);
+        snprintf (now_buf, sizeof (now_buf), "%Lu", (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec);
+        snprintf (uid_buf, sizeof (uid_buf), "%d", user_authenticated_as);
+        if (kit_string_entry_create (auth_buf, sizeof (auth_buf),
+                                     "scope",          "process-one-shot",
+                                     "pid",            pid_buf,
+                                     "pid-start-time", pid_st_buf,
+                                     "action-id",      action_id,
+                                     "when",           now_buf,
+                                     "auth-as",        uid_buf,
+                                     "constraint",     cbuf,
+                                     NULL) >= sizeof (auth_buf)) {
+                g_warning ("authbuf for is too small");
+                return FALSE;
+        }
         ret = _polkit_authorization_db_auth_file_add (PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/run/PolicyKit", 
-                                                      grant_line);
-        g_free (grant_line);
+                                                      auth_buf);
         return ret;
@@ -320,7 +333,6 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_process          (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
         char *action_id;
         uid_t caller_uid;
         pid_t caller_pid;
-        char *grant_line;
         polkit_bool_t ret;
         polkit_uint64_t pid_start_time;
         struct timeval now;
@@ -355,19 +367,33 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_process          (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
                 return FALSE;
-        grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("process:%d:%Lu:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n", 
-                                      caller_pid, 
-                                      pid_start_time, 
-                                      action_id,
-                                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
-                                      user_authenticated_as,
-                                      cbuf);
+        char pid_buf[32];
+        char pid_st_buf[32];
+        char now_buf[32];
+        char uid_buf[32];
+        char auth_buf[1024];
+        snprintf (pid_buf, sizeof (pid_buf), "%d", caller_pid);
+        snprintf (pid_st_buf, sizeof (pid_st_buf), "%Lu", pid_start_time);
+        snprintf (now_buf, sizeof (now_buf), "%Lu", (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec);
+        snprintf (uid_buf, sizeof (uid_buf), "%d", user_authenticated_as);
+        if (kit_string_entry_create (auth_buf, sizeof (auth_buf),
+                                     "scope",          "process",
+                                     "pid",            pid_buf,
+                                     "pid-start-time", pid_st_buf,
+                                     "action-id",      action_id,
+                                     "when",           now_buf,
+                                     "auth-as",        uid_buf,
+                                     "constraint",     cbuf,
+                                     NULL) >= sizeof (auth_buf)) {
+                g_warning ("authbuf for is too small");
+                return FALSE;
+        }
         ret = _polkit_authorization_db_auth_file_add (PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/run/PolicyKit", 
-                                                      grant_line);
-        g_free (grant_line);
+                                                      auth_buf);
         return ret;
@@ -405,7 +431,6 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_session          (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
         uid_t session_uid;
         char *action_id;
-        char *grant_line;
         PolKitSession *session;
         char *session_objpath;
         polkit_bool_t ret;
@@ -440,18 +465,28 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_session          (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
                 return FALSE;
-        grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("session:%s:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n", 
-                                      session_objpath,
-                                      action_id,
-                                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
-                                      user_authenticated_as,
-                                      cbuf);
+        char now_buf[32];
+        char uid_buf[32];
+        char auth_buf[1024];
+        snprintf (now_buf, sizeof (now_buf), "%Lu", (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec);
+        snprintf (uid_buf, sizeof (uid_buf), "%d", user_authenticated_as);
+        if (kit_string_entry_create (auth_buf, sizeof (auth_buf),
+                                     "scope",          "session",
+                                     "session-id",     session_objpath,
+                                     "action-id",      action_id,
+                                     "when",           now_buf,
+                                     "auth-as",        uid_buf,
+                                     "constraint",     cbuf,
+                                     NULL) >= sizeof (auth_buf)) {
+                g_warning ("authbuf for is too small");
+                return FALSE;
+        }
         ret = _polkit_authorization_db_auth_file_add (PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/run/PolicyKit", 
-                                                      grant_line);
-        g_free (grant_line);
+                                                      auth_buf);
         return ret;
@@ -488,7 +523,6 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_always           (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
         uid_t uid;
         char *action_id;
-        char *grant_line;
         polkit_bool_t ret;
         struct timeval now;
         PolKitAuthorizationConstraint *constraint;
@@ -515,17 +549,27 @@ polkit_authorization_db_add_entry_always           (PolKitAuthorizationDB *authd
                 return FALSE;
-        grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("always:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n", 
-                                      action_id,
-                                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
-                                      user_authenticated_as,
-                                      cbuf);
+        char now_buf[32];
+        char uid_buf[32];
+        char auth_buf[1024];
+        snprintf (now_buf, sizeof (now_buf), "%Lu", (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec);
+        snprintf (uid_buf, sizeof (uid_buf), "%d", user_authenticated_as);
+        if (kit_string_entry_create (auth_buf, sizeof (auth_buf),
+                                     "scope",          "always",
+                                     "action-id",      action_id,
+                                     "when",           now_buf,
+                                     "auth-as",        uid_buf,
+                                     "constraint",     cbuf,
+                                     NULL) >= sizeof (auth_buf)) {
+                g_warning ("authbuf for is too small");
+                return FALSE;
+        }
         ret = _polkit_authorization_db_auth_file_add (PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/lib/PolicyKit", 
-                                                      grant_line);
-        g_free (grant_line);
+                                                      auth_buf);
         return ret;
diff --git a/src/polkit-grant/polkit-explicit-grant-helper.c b/src/polkit-grant/polkit-explicit-grant-helper.c
index 0c7ac60..9db6d79 100644
--- a/src/polkit-grant/polkit-explicit-grant-helper.c
+++ b/src/polkit-grant/polkit-explicit-grant-helper.c
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
         uid_t invoking_uid;
         char *action_id;
         char *endp;
-        char grant_line[512];
         struct timeval now;
         ret = 1;
@@ -179,22 +178,27 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
                 return FALSE;
-        if (snprintf (grant_line, 
-                      sizeof (grant_line), 
-                      is_negative ? "grant-negative:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n" : 
-                                    "grant:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n" ,
-                      action_id,
-                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
-                      invoking_uid,
-                      authc_str) >= (int) sizeof (grant_line)) {
-                fprintf (stderr, "polkit-explicit-grant-helper: str to add is too long!\n");
+        char now_buf[32];
+        char uid_buf[32];
+        char auth_buf[1024];
+        snprintf (now_buf, sizeof (now_buf), "%Lu", (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec);
+        snprintf (uid_buf, sizeof (uid_buf), "%d", invoking_uid);
+        if (kit_string_entry_create (auth_buf, sizeof (auth_buf),
+                                     "scope",          is_negative ? "grant-negative" : "grant",
+                                     "action-id",      action_id,
+                                     "when",           now_buf,
+                                     "granted-by",     uid_buf,
+                                     "constraint",     authc_str,
+                                     NULL) >= sizeof (auth_buf)) {
+                kit_warning ("polkit-explicit-grant-helper: authbuf is too small");
                 goto out;
         if (_polkit_authorization_db_auth_file_add (PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/lib/PolicyKit", 
-                                                    grant_line)) {
+                                                    auth_buf)) {
                 ret = 0;
diff --git a/src/polkit-grant/polkit-revoke-helper.c b/src/polkit-grant/polkit-revoke-helper.c
index b59d0c2..527d4ab 100644
--- a/src/polkit-grant/polkit-revoke-helper.c
+++ b/src/polkit-grant/polkit-revoke-helper.c
@@ -176,33 +176,42 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
         not_granted_by_self = FALSE;
         is_one_shot = FALSE;
-        if (strcmp (scope, "process") == 0) {
+        if (strcmp (scope, "scope=process") == 0) {
                 root = PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/run/PolicyKit";
-        } else if (strcmp (scope, "process-one-shot") == 0) {
+        } else if (strcmp (scope, "scope=process-one-shot") == 0) {
                 root = PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/run/PolicyKit";
                 is_one_shot = TRUE;
-        } else if (strcmp (scope, "session") == 0) {
+        } else if (strcmp (scope, "scope=session") == 0) {
                 root = PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/run/PolicyKit";
-        } else if (strcmp (scope, "always") == 0) {
+        } else if (strcmp (scope, "scope=always") == 0) {
                 root = PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/lib/PolicyKit";
-        } else if (strcmp (scope, "grant") == 0 ||
-                   strcmp (scope, "grant-negative") == 0) {
-                uid_t granted_by;
+        } else if (strcmp (scope, "scope=grant") == 0 ||
+                   strcmp (scope, "scope=grant-negative") == 0) {
+                unsigned int n;
                 root = PACKAGE_LOCALSTATE_DIR "/lib/PolicyKit";
-                if (num_tokens < 5)
-                        goto out;
-                granted_by = strtol (tokens[3], &endp, 10);
-                if  (*endp != '\0') {
-                        fprintf (stderr, "polkit-revoke-helper: cannot parse granted-by uid\n");
-                        goto out;
+                for (n = 1; n < num_tokens; n++) {
+                        if (strncmp (tokens[n], "granted-by=", sizeof ("granted-by=") - 1) == 0) {
+                                uid_t granted_by;
+                                granted_by = strtol (tokens[n] + sizeof ("granted-by=") - 1, &endp, 10);
+                                if  (*endp != '\0') {
+                                        fprintf (stderr, "polkit-revoke-helper: cannot parse granted-by uid\n");
+                                        goto out;
+                                }
+                                if (granted_by != invoking_uid)
+                                        not_granted_by_self = TRUE;
+                                goto parsed_granted_by;
+                        }
-                if (granted_by != invoking_uid)
-                        not_granted_by_self = TRUE;
+                fprintf (stderr, "polkit-revoke-helper: cannot find key granted-by\n");
+                goto out;
+        parsed_granted_by:
+                ;
         } else {
                 fprintf (stderr, "polkit-revoke-helper: unknown scope '%s'\n", scope);
                 goto out;
diff --git a/src/polkit/polkit-authorization.c b/src/polkit/polkit-authorization.c
index 7dec310..86f0dba 100644
--- a/src/polkit/polkit-authorization.c
+++ b/src/polkit/polkit-authorization.c
@@ -114,197 +114,182 @@ polkit_authorization_get_type (PolKitAuthorization *auth)
-PolKitAuthorization *
-_polkit_authorization_new_for_uid (const char *entry_in_auth_file, uid_t uid)
-        char **t;
-        size_t num_t;
-        char *ep;
-        PolKitAuthorization *auth;
-        int n;
-        kit_return_val_if_fail (entry_in_auth_file != NULL, NULL);
-        t = NULL;
-        auth = kit_new0 (PolKitAuthorization, 1);
-        if (auth == NULL)
-                goto oom;
-        auth->refcount = 1;
-        auth->entry_in_auth_file = kit_strdup (entry_in_auth_file);
-        if (auth->entry_in_auth_file == NULL)
-                goto oom;
+typedef struct {
+        int cur_attr;
+        int req_attr;
-        auth->uid = uid;
+        int cur_token;
+        PolKitAuthorization *auth;
+} EntryParserData;
+enum {
+        ATTR_PID = 1<<0,
+        ATTR_PID_START_TIME = 1<<1,
+        ATTR_SESSION_ID = 1<<2,
+        ATTR_ACTION_ID = 1<<3,
+        ATTR_WHEN = 1<<4,
+        ATTR_AUTH_AS = 1<<5,
+        ATTR_GRANTED_BY = 1<<6,
-        t = kit_strsplit (entry_in_auth_file, ':', &num_t);
-        if (t == NULL)
-                goto oom;
+static kit_bool_t
+_parse_entry (const char *key, const char *value, void *user_data)
+        char *ep;
+        kit_bool_t ret;
+        EntryParserData *epd = (EntryParserData *) user_data;
+        PolKitAuthorization *auth = epd->auth;
- * pid:
- *       grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("process:%d:%Lu:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n", 
- *                                     caller_pid, 
- *                                     pid_start_time, 
- *                                     action_id,
- *                                     (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
- *                                     user_authenticated_as,
- *                                     cbuf);
- */
-        n = 1;
+        ret = FALSE;
-        if (strcmp (t[0], "process") == 0 ||
-            strcmp (t[0], "process-one-shot") == 0) {
-                if (num_t != 7)
+        /* scope needs to be first and there can only be only instance of it */
+        if (strcmp (key, "scope") == 0) {
+                if (epd->cur_token != 0)
                         goto error;
-                if (strcmp (t[0], "process") == 0)
-                        auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_PROCESS;
-                else
+                if (strcmp (value, "process-one-shot") == 0) {
                         auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_PROCESS_ONE_SHOT;
+                        epd->req_attr = ATTR_PID | ATTR_PID_START_TIME | ATTR_ACTION_ID | ATTR_WHEN | ATTR_AUTH_AS;
+                } else if (strcmp (value, "process") == 0) {
+                        auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_PROCESS;
+                        epd->req_attr = ATTR_PID | ATTR_PID_START_TIME | ATTR_ACTION_ID | ATTR_WHEN | ATTR_AUTH_AS;
+                } else if (strcmp (value, "session") == 0) {
+                        auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_SESSION;
+                        epd->req_attr = ATTR_SESSION_ID | ATTR_ACTION_ID | ATTR_WHEN | ATTR_AUTH_AS;
+                } else if (strcmp (value, "always") == 0) {
+                        auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_ALWAYS;
+                        epd->req_attr = ATTR_ACTION_ID | ATTR_WHEN | ATTR_AUTH_AS;
+                } else if (strcmp (value, "grant") == 0) {
+                        auth->explicitly_granted = TRUE;
+                        auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_ALWAYS;
+                        epd->req_attr = ATTR_ACTION_ID | ATTR_WHEN | ATTR_GRANTED_BY;
+                } else if (strcmp (value, "grant-negative") == 0) {
+                        auth->is_negative = TRUE;
+                        auth->explicitly_granted = TRUE;
+                        auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_ALWAYS;
+                        epd->req_attr = ATTR_ACTION_ID | ATTR_WHEN | ATTR_GRANTED_BY;
+                } else {
+                        goto error;
+                }
-                auth->pid = strtoul (t[n++], &ep, 10);
-                if (*ep != '\0')
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "pid") == 0) {
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_PID)
                         goto error;
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_PID;
-                auth->pid_start_time = strtoull (t[n++], &ep, 10);
+                auth->pid = strtoul (value, &ep, 10);
                 if (*ep != '\0')
                         goto error;
-                if (!polkit_action_validate_id (t[n]))
-                        goto error;
-                auth->action_id = kit_strdup (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->action_id == NULL)
-                        goto oom;
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "pid-start-time") == 0) {
-                auth->when = strtoull (t[n++], &ep, 10);
-                if (*ep != '\0')
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_PID_START_TIME)
                         goto error;
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_PID_START_TIME;
-                auth->authenticated_as_uid = strtoul (t[n++], &ep, 10);
+                auth->pid_start_time = strtoull (value, &ep, 10);
                 if (*ep != '\0')
                         goto error;
-                auth->constraint = polkit_authorization_constraint_from_string (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->constraint == NULL)
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "session-id") == 0) {
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_SESSION_ID)
                         goto error;
-        }
- *        grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("session:%s:%s:%Lu:%s:%d:%s\n", 
- *                                      session_objpath,
- *                                      action_id,
- *                                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
- *                                      user_authenticated_as,
- *                                      cbuf);
- */
-        else if (strcmp (t[0], "session") == 0) {
-                if (num_t != 6)
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_SESSION_ID;
+                auth->session_id = kit_strdup (value);
+                if (auth->session_id == NULL)
                         goto error;
-                auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_SESSION;
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "action-id") == 0) {
-                auth->session_id = kit_strdup (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->session_id == NULL)
-                        goto oom;
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_ACTION_ID)
+                        goto error;
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_ACTION_ID;
-                if (!polkit_action_validate_id (t[n]))
+                if (!polkit_action_validate_id (value))
                         goto error;
-                auth->action_id = kit_strdup (t[n++]);
+                auth->action_id = kit_strdup (value);
                 if (auth->action_id == NULL)
-                        goto oom;
-                auth->when = strtoull (t[n++], &ep, 10);
-                if (*ep != '\0')
                         goto error;
-                auth->authenticated_as_uid = strtoul (t[n++], &ep, 10);
-                if (*ep != '\0')
-                        goto error;
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "when") == 0) {
-                auth->constraint = polkit_authorization_constraint_from_string (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->constraint == NULL)
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_WHEN)
                         goto error;
-        }
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_WHEN;
- * always:
- *        grant_line = g_strdup_printf ("always:%s:%Lu:%s:%d:%s\n", 
- *                                      action_id,
- *                                      (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
- *                                      user_authenticated_as,
- *                                      cbuf);
- *
- */
-        else if (strcmp (t[0], "always") == 0) {
-                if (num_t != 5)
+                auth->when = strtoull (value, &ep, 10);
+                if (*ep != '\0')
                         goto error;
-                auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_ALWAYS;
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "auth-as") == 0) {
-                if (!polkit_action_validate_id (t[n]))
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_AUTH_AS)
                         goto error;
-                auth->action_id = kit_strdup (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->action_id == NULL)
-                        goto oom;
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_AUTH_AS;
-                auth->when = strtoull (t[n++], &ep, 10);
+                auth->authenticated_as_uid = strtoul (value, &ep, 10);
                 if (*ep != '\0')
                         goto error;
-                auth->authenticated_as_uid = strtoul (t[n++], &ep, 10);
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "granted-by") == 0) {
+                if (epd->cur_attr & ATTR_GRANTED_BY)
+                        goto error;
+                epd->cur_attr |= ATTR_GRANTED_BY;
+                auth->explicitly_granted_by = strtoul (value, &ep, 10);
                 if (*ep != '\0')
                         goto error;
-                auth->constraint = polkit_authorization_constraint_from_string (t[n++]);
+        } else if (strcmp (key, "constraint") == 0) {
+                auth->constraint = polkit_authorization_constraint_from_string (value);
                 if (auth->constraint == NULL)
                         goto error;
- * grant:
- *                     "grant:%d:%s:%Lu:%d:%s\n",
- *                     action_id,
- *                     (polkit_uint64_t) now.tv_sec,
- *                     invoking_uid,
- *                     authc_str) >= (int) sizeof (grant_line)) {
- *
- */
-        else if (strcmp (t[0], "grant") == 0 ||
-                 strcmp (t[0], "grant-negative") == 0) {
-                if (num_t != 5)
-                        goto error;
+        ret = TRUE;
-                if (strcmp (t[0], "grant-negative") == 0) {
-                        auth->is_negative = TRUE;
-                }
+        epd->cur_token += 1;
+        return ret;
-                auth->scope = POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_SCOPE_ALWAYS;
-                auth->explicitly_granted = TRUE;
+PolKitAuthorization *
+_polkit_authorization_new_for_uid (const char *entry_in_auth_file, uid_t uid)
+        PolKitAuthorization *auth;
+        EntryParserData epd;
-                if (!polkit_action_validate_id (t[n]))
-                        goto error;
-                auth->action_id = kit_strdup (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->action_id == NULL)
-                        goto oom;
+        kit_return_val_if_fail (entry_in_auth_file != NULL, NULL);
-                auth->when = strtoull (t[n++], &ep, 10);
-                if (*ep != '\0')
-                        goto error;
+        auth = kit_new0 (PolKitAuthorization, 1);
+        if (auth == NULL) {
+                goto oom;
+        }
-                auth->explicitly_granted_by = strtoul (t[n++], &ep, 10);
-                if (*ep != '\0')
-                        goto error;
+        auth->refcount = 1;
+        auth->entry_in_auth_file = kit_strdup (entry_in_auth_file);
+        if (auth->entry_in_auth_file == NULL)
+                goto oom;
-                auth->constraint = polkit_authorization_constraint_from_string (t[n++]);
-                if (auth->constraint == NULL)
-                        goto error;
+        auth->uid = uid;
+        epd.auth = auth;
+        epd.cur_token = 0;
+        epd.cur_attr = 0;
+        epd.req_attr = 0;
+        if (!kit_string_entry_parse (entry_in_auth_file, _parse_entry, &epd)) {
+                goto error;
+        }
-        } else {
+        /* check that we have all core attributes */
+        if (epd.cur_attr != epd.req_attr) {
                 goto error;
-        kit_strfreev (t);
         return auth;
@@ -312,8 +297,6 @@ error:
         if (auth != NULL)
                 polkit_authorization_unref (auth);
-        if (t != NULL)
-                kit_strfreev (t);
         return NULL;
@@ -625,6 +608,7 @@ polkit_authorization_get_constraint (PolKitAuthorization *auth)
 typedef struct {
         const char *entry;
+        PolKitAuthorizationType type;
         PolKitAuthorizationScope scope;
         const char *action_id;
         time_t time_of_grant;
@@ -640,44 +624,58 @@ static polkit_bool_t
 _run_test (void)
         const char *invalid_auths[] = {
-                "INVALID_SCOPE",
+                "scope=non-existant",
                 /* wrong number of items */
-                "process:",
-                "session:",
-                "always:",
-                "grant:",
+                "scope=process-one-shot",
+                "scope=process",
+                "scope=session",
+                "scope=always",
+                "scope=grant",
+                "scope=grant-negative",
+                /* repetition of core attributes */
+                "scope=process:pid=1:pid=2",
+                "scope=process:pid-start-time=1:pid-start-time=2",
+                "scope=process:session-id=1:session-id=2",
+                "scope=process:action-id=org.foo:action-id=org.bar",
+                "scope=process:when=1:when=2",
+                "scope=process:auth-as=1:auth-as=2",
+                "scope=process:granted-by=1:granted-by=2",
                 /* malformed components */
-                "process:14485xyz:26817340:org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763:500:local+active",
-                "process:14485:26817340xyz:org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763:500:local+active",
-                "process:14485:26817340:0xyorg.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763:500:local+active",
-                "process:14485:26817340:org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763xyz:500:local+active",
-                "process:14485:26817340:org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763:500xyz:local+active",
-                "process:14485:26817340:org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763:500:MALFORMED_CONSTRAINT",
+                "scope=process:pid=14485xyz:pid-start-time=26817340:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340xyz:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340:0xyaction-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763xyz:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763:500xyz:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763:auth-as=500:constraint=MALFORMED_CONSTRAINT",
                 /* TODO: validate ConsoleKit paths
-                   "session:xyz/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:500:local+active",*/
-                "session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:0xyorg.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:500:local+active",
-                "session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779xyz:500:local+active",
-                "session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:500xyz:local+active",
-                "session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:500:MALFORMED",
-                "always:0xyorg.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:1193598494:500:local+active",
-                "always:org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:xyz1193598494:500:local+active",
-                "always:org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:1193598494:xyz500:local+active",
-                "always:org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:1193598494:500:MALFORMED",
-                "grant:0xyorg.freedesktop.policykit.read:1194634242:0:none",
-                "grant:org.freedesktop.policykit.read:xyz1194634242:0:none",
-                "grant:org.freedesktop.policykit.read:1194634242:xyz0:none",
-                "grant:org.freedesktop.policykit.read:1194634242:0:MALFORMED",
+                   "scope=session:xyz/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",*/
+                "scope=session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:0xyaction-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779xyz:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:500xyz:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:auth-as=500:constraint=MALFORMED",
+                "scope=always:action-id=0xyorg.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:when=1193598494:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=always:action-id=org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:when=xyz1193598494:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=always:action-id=org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:when=1193598494:auth-as=xyz500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                "scope=always:action-id=org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:when=1193598494:auth-as=500:constraint=MALFORMED",
+                "scope=grant:action-id=0xyorg.freedesktop.policykit.read:when=1194634242:granted-by=0:constraint=none",
+                "scope=grant:action-id=org.freedesktop.policykit.read:when=xyz1194634242:granted-by=0:constraint=none",
+                "scope=grant:action-id=org.freedesktop.policykit.read:when=1194634242:granted-by=xyz0:constraint=none",
+                "scope=grant:action-id=org.freedesktop.policykit.read:when=1194634242:granted-by=0:constraint=MALFORMED",
+                "random-future-key=some-value:scope=always:action-id=org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:when=1193598494:auth-as500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
         size_t num_invalid_auths = sizeof (invalid_auths) / sizeof (const char *);
         TestAuth valid_auths[] = {
-                        "always:org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:1193598494:500:local+active",
+                        "scope=always:action-id=org.gnome.clockapplet.mechanism.settimezone:when=1193598494:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
@@ -687,7 +685,8 @@ _run_test (void)
-                        "process:14485:26817340:org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:1194631763:500:local+active",
+                        "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.frobnicate:when=1194631763:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
@@ -697,7 +696,8 @@ _run_test (void)
-                        "process:14485:26817340:org.gnome.policykit.examples.tweak:1194631774:0:local+active",
+                        "scope=process:pid=14485:pid-start-time=26817340:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.tweak:when=1194631774:auth-as=0:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
@@ -707,7 +707,8 @@ _run_test (void)
-                        "session:/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1:org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:1194631779:500:local+active",
+                        "scope=session:session-id=%2Forg%2Ffreedesktop%2FConsoleKit%2FSession1:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.punch:when=1194631779:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
@@ -717,7 +718,8 @@ _run_test (void)
-                        "process-one-shot:27860:26974819:org.gnome.policykit.examples.jump:1194633344:500:local+active",
+                        "scope=process-one-shot:pid=27860:pid-start-time=26974819:action-id=org.gnome.policykit.examples.jump:when=1194633344:auth-as=500:constraint=local%2Bactive",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
@@ -727,7 +729,20 @@ _run_test (void)
-                        "grant:org.freedesktop.policykit.read:1194634242:0:none",
+                        "scope=grant:action-id=org.freedesktop.policykit.read:when=1194634242:granted-by=0:constraint=none",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
+                        "org.freedesktop.policykit.read",
+                        1194634242,
+                        0, 0, NULL,
+                        polkit_authorization_constraint_get_null (),
+                        TRUE, 0
+                },
+                /* this test ensures we can add new key/value pairs in the future */
+                {
+                        "scope=grant:FUTURE-KEY=FUTURE-VALUE:action-id=org.freedesktop.policykit.read:when=1194634242:granted-by=0:constraint=none",
+                        POLKIT_AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UID,
@@ -755,6 +770,7 @@ _run_test (void)
                         polkit_authorization_debug (a);
                         polkit_authorization_validate (a);
+                        kit_assert (t->type == polkit_authorization_get_type (a));
                         kit_assert (t->scope == polkit_authorization_get_scope (a));
                         kit_assert (t->time_of_grant == polkit_authorization_get_time_of_grant (a));
                         kit_assert (500 == polkit_authorization_get_uid (a));
@@ -794,6 +810,8 @@ _run_test (void)
                         polkit_authorization_ref (a);
                         polkit_authorization_unref (a);
                         polkit_authorization_unref (a);
+                } else {
+                        kit_assert (errno == ENOMEM);

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