PolicyKit: Changes to 'refs/tags/POLICY_KIT_0_6'

David Zeuthen david at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Oct 11 14:54:27 PDT 2007

Tag 'POLICY_KIT_0_6' created by David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com> at 2007-10-11 22:53 -0700

PolicyKit 0.6
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)


Changes since POLICY_KIT_0_5:
David Zeuthen:
      post-release version bump
      add specifics for the Pardus distro
      add TODO item detailing how to handle upgrades
      implement <allow_any> to specify default answer for any user
      don't fail on unknown XML tags, just skip them
      make polkit-list-actions print information about <allow_any>
      update NEWS

Doug Goldstein:
      gentoo OS type support
      install hook for setuid/setgid
      use chgrp instead of chown with group only

 NEWS                                   |   29 ++++++++++++
 configure.in                           |   16 +++++-
 doc/spec/polkit-spec-configuration.xml |   15 ++++--
 polkit-grant/Makefile.am               |    6 +-
 polkit/polkit-config.c                 |   32 ++++++++++---
 polkit/polkit-policy-default.c         |   29 +++++++++++-
 polkit/polkit-policy-default.h         |    1 
 polkit/polkit-policy-file-entry.c      |    8 ++-
 polkit/polkit-policy-file.c            |   77 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 tools/polkit-list-actions.c            |    4 +
 10 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

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