hal: Branch 'master'

Richard Hughes hughsient at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Feb 19 06:27:48 PST 2008

 fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-hp.fdi |   10 ++++++++++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 48856bce1e3a0f5c3d7be3e25306681f40c7edad
Author: rehan khan <rehan.khan at dsl.pipex.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 19 14:26:27 2008 +0000

    hp tx1000 hal-info keymap patch
    Attached is a patch file for the HP tx1000 series. I have a tx1340ea but I think the keymap will work on most tx1000 laptops.
    One problem I had with the keymap was the DVD and PC/PVR mappings. I took these from the sorted list and referred to the input.h on my machine (kernel 2.6.23). One button starts a DVD player and the Other button starts a media player in media mode. Not sure what I did wrong but they are still showing up in /var/log/messages as being unmapped.

diff --git a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-hp.fdi b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-hp.fdi
index c2ba78f..eb6dc21 100644
--- a/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-hp.fdi
+++ b/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-hp.fdi
@@ -91,6 +91,16 @@
           <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e031:help</append>      <!-- Fn+F1 (help) -->
           <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.keymap</append>
+        <match key="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer:system.hardware.product" contains="tx1000">
+          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e001:fn_esc</append>	<!-- FnEsc -->
+          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e00a:screenlock</append> <!-- FnF6 (lock) -->
+          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e031:help</append>	<!-- FnF1 (help) -->
+	  <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e00e:dvd</append>	<!-- Media Player: DVD mode -->
+	  <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e008:pc</append>	<!-- Media Player: Media Mode (PVR or PC?) -->
+          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e059:f22</append>	<!-- touchpad on  -->
+          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e058:f22</append>	<!-- touchpad off -->
+          <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.keymap</append>
+        </match>

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