PolicyKit: Branch 'master' - 3 commits

David Zeuthen david at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Apr 24 09:40:37 PDT 2012

 Makefile.am                   |   12 +++++++++
 README                        |   28 +++++++++++++++++++--
 docs/polkit/overview.xml      |   45 ++++++++++++++++------------------
 docs/polkit/polkit-1-docs.xml |   55 ++++--------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a7e4674b9a30e28d1fe238db735c37b52e3af72d
Author: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 24 12:39:27 2012 -0400

    Add Makefile rules for signing and publishing releases and docs
    Also mention in README how the authenticity of releases can be
    Signed-off-by: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 70d072c..01f0a4b 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -11,5 +11,17 @@ EXTRA_DIST = 			\
 # xsltproc barfs on 'make distcheck'; disable for now
 DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=--disable-man-pages --disable-gtk-doc --disable-introspection
+sign : dist
+	gpg --armor --detach-sign --output polkit-$(VERSION).tar.gz.sign polkit-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+publish : sign
+	scp polkit-$(VERSION).tar.gz polkit-$(VERSION).tar.gz.sign "david at people.freedesktop.org:/srv/www.freedesktop.org/www/software/polkit/releases/"
+publish-docs :
+	gtkdoc-rebase --html-dir docs/polkit/html --online
+	ssh "david at people.freedesktop.org" "mkdir -p /srv/www.freedesktop.org/www/software/polkit/docs/$(VERSION)"
+	scp docs/polkit/html/* "david at people.freedesktop.org:/srv/www.freedesktop.org/www/software/polkit/docs/$(VERSION)"
+	ssh "david at people.freedesktop.org" "rm -f /srv/www.freedesktop.org/www/software/polkit/docs/latest; ln -s $(VERSION) /srv/www.freedesktop.org/www/software/polkit/docs/latest"
 clean-local :
 	rm -f *~
diff --git a/README b/README
index 1fd906b..b075162 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,3 +1,27 @@
-PolicyKit is a toolkit for defining and handling authorizations.  It
-is used for allowing unprivileged processes to speak to privileged
+polkit is a toolkit for defining and handling authorizations.  It is
+used for allowing unprivileged processes to speak to privileged
+Releases of polkit are available in compressed tarballs from
+ http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/releases/
+To verify the authenticity of the compressed tarball, use this command
+ $ gpg --verify polkit-$(VERSION).tar.gz.sign polkit-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+ gpg: Signature made Sat 10 Mar 2012 03:00:30 PM EST using RSA key ID 3418A891
+ gpg: Good signature from "David Zeuthen <zeuthen at gmail.com>"
+ gpg:                 aka "[jpeg image of size 5237]"
+Please report bugs via the freedesktop.org bugzilla at
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=PolicyKit
commit c0307cdf6912a5fbe45fea8883c93a42133e3e00
Author: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 24 12:25:11 2012 -0400

    Update the docs to use 'polkit' (instead of 'PolicyKit') as the name
    ... as much as possible.
    Also remove the license on the docs and the FSF's address.
    Also point to http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/latest/
    as that is going to be where docs are stored, going forward.
    Signed-off-by: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>

diff --git a/docs/polkit/overview.xml b/docs/polkit/overview.xml
index 0025cd8..24440d2 100644
--- a/docs/polkit/overview.xml
+++ b/docs/polkit/overview.xml
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
 <!ENTITY extensiondir SYSTEM "../extensiondir.xml">
 <part id="overview">
-  <title>PolicyKit Overview</title>
+  <title>polkit Overview</title>
   <chapter id="polkit-intro">
-      PolicyKit provides an authorization API intended to be used by
+      polkit provides an authorization API intended to be used by
       privileged programs (<quote>MECHANISMS</quote>) offering service
       to unprivileged programs (<quote>CLIENTS</quote>). See the
       <link linkend="polkit.8">polkit</link> manual page for
@@ -18,19 +18,19 @@
   <chapter id="polkit-apps">
-    <title>Writing PolicyKit applications</title>
+    <title>Writing polkit applications</title>
-      PolicyKit applications are privileged mechanisms using the
-      PolicyKit authority as a decider component. To do this, a
+      polkit applications are privileged mechanisms using the
+      polkit authority as a decider component. To do this, a
       <emphasis>mechanism</emphasis> use either
       the <link linkend="ref-api">GObject API</link>,
       the <link linkend="ref-dbus-api">D-Bus API</link> or
       the <link linkend="pkcheck.1">pkcheck</link> command to
-      communicate with the PolicyKit Authority.
+      communicate with the polkit Authority.
       Note that <emphasis>clients</emphasis> normally doesn't use the
-      PolicyKit API directly – it is intended for privileged
+      polkit API directly – it is intended for privileged
       <emphasis>mechanisms</emphasis>. If a client needs to disable,
       modify or remove UI elements to e.g. convey to the user that a
       certain action cannot be carried out (because e.g. the user is
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
       mechanism provide an API for this.
-      If a PolicyKit application wants to handle the case where no
+      If a polkit application wants to handle the case where no
       authentication agent exists (for example if the app is launched
       via a
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
   <chapter id="polkit-agents">
-    <title>Writing PolicyKit Authentication Agents</title>
+    <title>Writing polkit Authentication Agents</title>
       Authentication agents are provided by desktop environments. When
-      an user session starts, the agent registers with the PolicyKit
+      an user session starts, the agent registers with the polkit
       Authority using
       the <link linkend="eggdbus-method-org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority.RegisterAuthenticationAgent">RegisterAuthenticationAgent()</link>
       method. When services are needed, the authority will invoke
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
       D-Bus interface. Once the user is authenticated, (a privileged
       part of) the agent invokes
       the <link linkend="eggdbus-method-org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority.AuthenticationAgentResponse">AuthenticationAgentResponse()</link>
-      method.  Note that the PolicyKit Authority itself does not care
+      method.  Note that the polkit Authority itself does not care
       how the agent authenticates the user.
@@ -91,23 +91,23 @@
   <chapter id="polkit-extending">
-    <title>Extending PolicyKit</title>
+    <title>Extending polkit</title>
-      PolicyKit exports a number of extension points to
-      replace/customize behavior of the PolicyKit daemon. Note that
+      polkit exports a number of extension points to
+      replace/customize behavior of the polkit daemon. Note that
       all extensions run with super user privileges in the same
-      process as the PolicyKit daemon.
+      process as the polkit daemon.
-      The PolicyKit daemons loads extensions
+      The polkit daemons loads extensions
       from the <filename>&extensiondir;</filename> directory. See
       the <link linkend="gio-Extension-Points">GIO Extension Point
         documentation</link> for more information about the extension
-      system used by PolicyKit.
+      system used by polkit.
       The following extension points are currently defined by
-      PolicyKit:
+      polkit:
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
         extension point must be derived from the
         PolkitBackendAuthority class. See
         the <filename>src/nullbackend/</filename> directory in the
-        PolicyKit sources for an example.
+        polkit sources for an example.
diff --git a/docs/polkit/polkit-1-docs.xml b/docs/polkit/polkit-1-docs.xml
index 4fc8a99..21b3681 100644
--- a/docs/polkit/polkit-1-docs.xml
+++ b/docs/polkit/polkit-1-docs.xml
@@ -6,55 +6,12 @@
 <book id="index" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2003/XInclude">
-    <title>PolicyKit Reference Manual</title>
-    <releaseinfo>Version &version;</releaseinfo>
-    <authorgroup>
-      <author>
-        <firstname>David</firstname>
-        <surname>Zeuthen</surname>
-        <affiliation>
-          <address>
-            <email>davidz at redhat.com</email>
-          </address>
-        </affiliation>
-      </author>
-    </authorgroup>
-    <copyright>
-      <year>2008-2009</year>
-      <holder>The PolicyKit Authors</holder>
-    </copyright>
-    <legalnotice id="polkit-legal-notice">
-      <para>
-        Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
-        document under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Free
-        Documentation License</citetitle>, Version 1.1 or any later
-        version published by the Free Software Foundation with no
-        Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
-        Texts. You may obtain a copy of the <citetitle>GNU Free
-        Documentation License</citetitle> from the Free Software
-        Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
-        url="http://www.fsf.org">their Web site</ulink> or by writing
-        to:
-        <address>
-          The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-          <street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330,
-          <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>,
-          <country>USA</country>
-        </address>
-      </para>
-      <para>
-        Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their
-        products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those
-        names appear in any freedesktop.org documentation, and those
-        trademarks are made aware to the members of the
-        freedesktop.org Documentation Project, the names have been
-        printed in caps or initial caps.
-      </para>
-    </legalnotice>
+    <title>polkit Reference Manual</title>
+    <releaseinfo>
+      For version &version; — the latest version of this
+      documentation can be found at <ulink role="online-location"
+      url="http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/latest/">http://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/latest/</ulink>.
+    </releaseinfo>
   <xi:include href="overview.xml"/>
commit 93f5f5ec1cbe2678f966d93f89945a86cf76cb30
Author: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 24 12:11:13 2012 -0400

    Mention pkttyagent(1) in "Writing PolicyKit applications" chapter
    Signed-off-by: David Zeuthen <davidz at redhat.com>

diff --git a/docs/polkit/overview.xml b/docs/polkit/overview.xml
index 20f019c..0025cd8 100644
--- a/docs/polkit/overview.xml
+++ b/docs/polkit/overview.xml
@@ -45,10 +45,9 @@
       login), it is trivial for the application to use the <link
-      class to spawn its own authentication agent as needed. See the
-      <link linkend="pkcheck.1">pkcheck</link> or <link
-      linkend="pkexec.1">pkexec</link> program sources for an example
-      of how to do this.
+      class to spawn its own authentication agent as
+      needed. Alternatively, the <xref linkend="pkttyagent.1"/>
+      helper can be used to do this.
       As an example of code using the GObject API, see <xref linkend="cancel-example"/>.

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