a libary that can ask hald for a list of surten devices

Joe Shaw joeshaw at novell.com
Tue Aug 3 05:33:43 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 13:50 +0000, Kristof Vansant wrote:
> I was thinking a common libary that can ask hald for surten hardware.
> This could be interresting for surten programme's.
> example: totem has an menuitem dvd and cdrom
> if totem could ask the common libary to ask hald what media devices are
> installed. totem can only show these devices. totem does not need to
> have hald support itself.

This is generally the idea.  We hope that people will build their
libraries on top of libhal for specific access to their hardware.

The whole goal of HAL though is device discovery and enumeration, so
libhal can very easily do a lot of the work in get_scanners(),
get_keyboards() itself.  I think rather than a single library for this
enumeration you'd instead want a library which does a specific task
well, like burning CDs/DVDs.  Then not only could you have nice
convenience functions like get_cdr(), but you could also have things
like set_burn_speed() and burn_disc().

And then you could also hide the HAL implementation details (although
you'd still need to link against the library) if you wanted to have a
non-HAL fallback.

(BTW, I think the library you mention already exists for totem, called
libbacon.  I might be wrong about that, though.)


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