hal_initialize() overrides other filter/object/fallback functions on separate connection

Olivier Andrieu oliv__a at users.sourceforg.net
Sun Aug 8 09:25:19 PDT 2004

 Kay Sievers [Sun, 08 Aug 2004]:
 > Isn't the dbus_connection_add_filter() more a global filter for
 > incoming messages of a connection, than a filter for specific
 > messages delivered to the D-BUS users? More intended to _intercept_
 > the general message handling in D-BUS?

Yes, I think that's the idea.

 > libhal uses this global filter mechanism to dispatch the signals to
 > the registered HAL user functions. Can't libhal (or other libraries
 > too) just use dbus_connection_register_object_path() to get called
 > at incoming messages for the objects paths it is intersted in?


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