Exposing the mouse battery status through HAL

Sergey Udaltsov sergey.udaltsov at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 02:31:42 PST 2004

> The way I would approach this is to not worry about activation/
> deactivation to begin with.
Sounds reasonable:)

> So, initially the daemon (would use libhal) should just search for the
> appropriate devices (using hal_manager_find_device_string_match for
> info.software.addons equals "org.freedesktop.Hal...addons.Logitech") -
> see my earlier mail.
Well, I am planning to add the property
"rechargeable.command_interface" and check it to be "CSR". Because it
seems these logitech mice have common way to get the stuff - based on
some CSR solution. Checking for *.Logitech does not look good - some
Logitech mice can use other chipsets and interfaces
> You also want to implement the LibHalDeviceAdded and LibHalDeviceRemoved
> callback for checking whether you got one more or one less device to
> monitor.
Yeah, that's reasonable.

> The monitoring, I assume is just polling (using the device file from
> input.device) and using the hal_device_set_property_<type> functions to
> set properties.
Absolutely clear.

Thank you for the hints,

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