persistent device storage

Kay Sievers kay.sievers at
Sun May 9 10:54:17 PDT 2004

I have a few questions about the persistence device store:

The udi is always the key to the device? And should it also be for the
persistent store?

What about a simple file/directory database with one value per file,
(like sysfs)?

|-- usb_4a9_3056_1_-1_noserial
|   |-- info
|   |   |-- product
|   |   |-- capabilities
|   |   `-- persistent
|   `-- linux
|       `-- sysfs_path
|-- usb_46d_c00e_1100_-1_noserial
|   |-- info
|       |-- product
|       |-- capabilities
|       `-- category

Which properties should go into the store? hald needs to scan every
device on startup, even if the properties are already stored. So should
a property have a "persistent" attribute or should all current
properties go into the store?

identical devices:
For two identical devices, the appended udi-enumeration depends on the
order of connection time.(?) hald can differentiate between them only by
their topological position. So if a device is discovered, should hald
look for identical udi's (without the enumeration) and select the record
with the same topology the record was created for?
So if you have had two identical devices configured, hald will always
merge the properties from the device, that was connected to the same

Where should the code hook in: device_store.c?


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