Unmounting and 'eject' press

Pat Suwalski pat at suwalski.net
Mon May 31 07:11:07 PDT 2004

David Zeuthen wrote:
> Yeah, it's probably more reliable than assuming the drive is MMC-2
> compliant and I suppose this would also work on hotpluggable stuff like
> USB drives and it would once and for all solve the 'user yanks out
> device' problem (well, unless the drive is active, but then it's her own
> fault).

The compatibility issue can also be destructive. You may recall that a 
year or two ago, Mandrake was causing a certain model of LG CD drive to 
basically wipe its firmware. It was caused by a sequence the automounter 
sent to the unit.

But onw way or another, it's a hack. It doesn't make sense for HAL to 
depend on automount, volumagic, etc.


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