getting hal and gnome volume manager to work

Spundun Bhatt spundun at ISI.EDU
Wed Sep 1 16:29:56 PDT 2004

Hi... I am trying to get gnome-volume-manager to work for usb flash
drives on my computer.

My ultimate goal is to basically be able to insert a usb flash drive and
for my computer to figurout an appropriate place to mount it and shouw
the mounted file system in a nautilus window.

I installed linux 2.6, gnome 2.6 dbus, hal,gnome-volume-manager,hotplug,
udev and autofs (I uninstalled autofs now because I thought it wasnt

But when I insert a usb drive... it doesnt automount and show me  a new
drive in the "computer" in nautilus.

in hal-device-manaer I do see my usb drive in the device tree.
ps -aux |grep shows me both hald and g-v-m running... I have made sure
that /etc/init.d/hotplug start  is done.

What am I missing?

Here is some shell activity that might give more clues as to what I am
doing right/wrong
cycloid:/usr/bin# ps aux|grep volume
root      4464  0.0  0.1  1572  464 pts/0    S+   16:10   0:00 grep volume
cycloid:/usr/bin# ps aux |grep hal
root      3183  0.0  1.5  5276 3820 ?        Ss   15:35   0:00
root      4466  0.0  0.1  1576  492 pts/0    S+   16:10   0:00 grep hal
cycloid:/usr/bin# ps aux|grep volume
cycloid:/usr/bin# gnome-volume-manager
<at this point g-v-m seems to run but not display any window (it seems
to require x connection though).. so the shell just waits until I ctrl-c>
cycloid:/usr/bin# ps aux|grep volume
cycloid:/usr/bin# gnome-volume-properties

** (gnome-volume-manager:4559): WARNING **: manager.c/740: already running?
<at this point I see the properties dialog which I close without doing
cycloid:/usr/bin# ps aux|grep volume
root      4557  0.3  2.4 14368 6184 pts/0    S    16:11   0:00
root      4561  0.0  0.1  1572  464 pts/0    S+   16:12   0:00 grep volume
<note that this got g-v-m started>
<at this point I insert a usb flash drive into the machine and I get
following errors on the same shell window>
libhal.c 818 : Error sending msg: No property info.capabilities on
device with id
/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_d7d_280_100_-1_4F4106840F5Dlibhal.c 818
: Error sending msg: No property info.capabilities on device with id
libhal.c 818 : Error sending msg: No property info.capabilities on
device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/scsi_host_2
libhal.c 818 : Error sending msg: No property info.capabilities on
device with id /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/scsi_device_2_0_0_0
mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab


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