Hal and Linux

Joel M joelmandell at openzource.org
Fri Dec 9 04:56:57 PST 2005

Hi everyone!

I am building a slackware based distro.
First I used a package from freerock gnome project, but then I decided 
to compile things on my own - I like that :)

But after that, I just did a verbose output from hald to se what the 
output was - when plugging in devices.
Aaargh, it didn't probe the optical device - a NEC DVD. When I greped 
hal-device for cdrom - it did return that there was a device with the 
name ide-cdrom recognized but a grep for NEC didn't result in any thing.

I don't now if it's related, but I did use a --enable-syfs-carrier 
option when doing configure.
I have been building hal against linux headers.

With Regards
Joel Mandell

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