heads up for changes

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Thu Feb 24 11:35:28 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 18:40 +0100, Sjoerd Simons wrote:
>  For files coming with hal or other distribution package:
>    /usr/share/hal/fdi/{preprobing,information,policy}/*
>  For user configuration: 
>    /etc/hal/fdi/{preprobing,information,policy}/*
>  And optionally for locally installed packages:
>    /usr/local/share/hal/fdi/{preprobing,information,policy}/*

Mmmkay, makes sense, I've changed all the Makefile's to work this way;
here's what it looks like

    `-- local
        |-- etc
        |   `-- hal
        |       `-- fdi
        |           |-- information
        |           |-- policy
        |           `-- preprobe
        `-- share
            `-- hal
                `-- fdi
                    |-- fdi.dtd
                    |-- fdi.rng
                    |-- information
                    |   |-- 10freedesktop
                    |   `-- 20thirdparty
                    |-- policy
                    |   |-- 10osvendor
                    |   |   |-- 10-power-mgmt-policy.fdi
                    |   |   |-- 10-storage-policy.fdi
                    |   |   `-- 90-fstab-sync.fdi
                    |   `-- 20thirdparty
                    `-- preprobe
                        |-- 10osvendor
                        `-- 20thirdparty

Now to change the code for reading from multiple locations. Sigh.

Thanks for your input, btw.


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