Patch to hal-spec : 3/6-button

David Zeuthen david at
Thu Jan 13 07:49:53 PST 2005

On Thu, 2005-01-13 at 12:01 +0100, Sjoerd Simons wrote:
> You still want to have the current state in the database (especially for things
> like lid open or closes).. 


> The thing i don't understand about DeviceConditions is that they are currently
> used to convey some state, which is also saved as a property  (e.g.
> volume.is_mounted)..  Making the Condition imho unnecessary, because you can
> just check the property modified signal..

Right, VolumeMount and VolumeUnmount is pretty useless; I don't think
uses them so we can probably remove them from HEAD. VolumeUnmountForced
carries important information - it's what the desktop would use to put
up a
notification that the user just shouldn't do that - now if I could just
my local design ninjas to go with that :-)

(Oh, this reminds me of the good old Amiga days with the dialog "You
MUST replace
the volume in drive df0:" when a floppy was pulled - we could possibly
do that with
journaling filesystems...)

> For something like memory ecc errors they could be usefull, but still you want
> to save some state about that for later reference (when did it happen etc)

You would probably have an audit daemon picking up the DeviceCondition's
doing it's own thing; dunno..


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