What program should be responsible for configuring devices in HAL/DBUS/UDEV environment ?

Paul Ionescu i_p_a_u_l at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 22 05:55:38 PST 2005


Sooner or later, we'll have legacy ACPI-PNP devices imported in HAL.
PNP devices usually support multiple configurations, and to by dynamically
I already played with my parallel printer port in
/sys/bus/pnp/devices/00:06 and successfully enabled and disabled it. 

What program should be responsible for configuring such PNP devices and
maybe other devices ?
Let's say that I want to disable my legacy serial port (which is an
acpi-pnp device), how this should be done, and what are the implications
for HAL ?
Is there any notification sent when I activate/deactivate a pnp device, in
order that HAL should notice a change ?

I cannot ask HAL to do this change, because this is out of its specs.
But if a separate program will do this change, is his duty to let HAL know
about it, or should HAL discover itself ?


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