A minor problem w/ access to my flash drive

Alexey Morozov alex-hp at idisys.iae.nsk.su
Mon Jan 24 03:36:40 PST 2005

Pozsar Balazs writes:

>On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 04:42:33PM +0600, Alexey Morozov wrote:
>>No, that's not always true. Just a few hours ago I plugged in a friend's 
>>CF into my card reader and, voila, I have 'magically appeared' 
>>/media/storage_sda1 and corresponding /dev/sda1.
>That happened exactly because hal polled that device.
I'm affraid, you're wrong. Tomorrow I'll bring SD from home, and check 
if appropriate device appeared w/ hald being stopped. I strongly believe 
that hotplug/udev will handle events w/o hald _for my card reader_ , but 
I can't check this right now because I have no card at the moment.

>>I guess there should be a _blacklist_. At least for me ;-).
>No. Hal should poll devices. If it knows for sure, that this is not 
>needed for a particular device, than maybe polling could be disabled.
Do you know how this can be done? I mean stop polling on a [selected] 

>But not the other way around.

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