Hard Disk partition information missing

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd at luon.net
Tue Jan 25 04:47:17 PST 2005

On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 09:57:29PM -0500, brendan powers wrote:
> I am using debian testing(the hal and dbus packages) kernel 2.6.10 and
> udev 050. For partition on the hard disk the properies fsusage fstype
> label and uuid are null. It was working a little while ago and them i
> must have changes something because now  they are blank.
> Any help would be appreciated

Debian defaults to NOT running hal as root, this has as a side effect that we
can't query this stuff from harddisk. Hopefully this situation will change in
the 0.6.x series See debian bug #290653 for more information..

It's always good to first check debian bts or file a debian bug if your not
sure if it's an upstream problem..

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