A minor problem w/ access to my flash drive

Alexey Morozov alex-hp at idisys.iae.nsk.su
Tue Jan 25 07:49:46 PST 2005

Pozsar Balazs writes:

>On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 05:36:40PM +0600, Alexey Morozov wrote:
>>I'm affraid, you're wrong. Tomorrow I'll bring SD from home, and check 
>>if appropriate device appeared w/ hald being stopped. I strongly believe 
>>that hotplug/udev will handle events w/o hald _for my card reader_ , but 
>>I can't check this right now because I have no card at the moment.
>We'll see :)
Yes, you're right. W/o hald insertion of an SD card does nothing. I'm 
sorry for misinforming you. What makes me wondering is that hald is 
needed to detect card insertion but appropriate fstab record is made 
only by hotplug's block.agent, not by fstab-sync:

/dev/sdc1 /media/storage_sdc1 auto user,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync 0 0 

Should I describe my card reader as it's done say in 
/usr/share/hal/fdi/20freedesktop/6in1-card-reader.fdi to actually get 
appropriate fstab-sync activity on device insertion?
I put /usr/share/hal/fdi/95userpolicy/4in1-card-reader.fdi (mostly 
copied from 6in1-card-reader.fdi), but still no mountpoints.

(Addition: after restarting hald w/ SD card plugged in, I finally can see

/dev/discs/disc3/part1 /media/usbdisk vfat 
iocharset=koi8-r,noatime,sync,exec,noauto,user 0 0

but if I plug the SD card after a clean restart of hald, there's only 
the block.agent generated line :-/)

>>Do you know how this can be done? I mean stop polling on a [selected] 
>Take a look at /usr/share/hal/fdi/20freedesktop/ide-drives.fdi and the 
>other *.fdi files.
>Somethine like this would do it:
Yes, thank you, now it works almost as intended ;-). But now filesystem 
of that device is set to 'auto', so no vfat-specific options are applied 

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