A minor problem w/ access to my flash drive

Alexey Morozov alex-hp at idisys.iae.nsk.su
Wed Jan 26 02:55:17 PST 2005

Pozsar Balazs writes:

>Sorry, I was not clear enough. What I meant is, that for the kernel vfat 
>module, the default iocharset should be utf8.
...which, actually can't satisfy my ;-). I need iocharset=koi8-r, which 
is definitely not a kernel default ;-)

And don't ask me to switch the system locale. utf-8 still breaks certain 
utilities useful for me: zsh as an example ;-)
Yes, I have already been suggested to help fix broken software ;-)

So I'd rather look into hald sources to understand what to be changed to 
split polling and initial FS detection. Have anybody suggests how this 
can be achieved w/o much hassle?

Sincerely, Alexey

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