Please merge procfs... :-)

Richard Hughes ee21rh at
Sat Jan 29 11:06:07 PST 2005

On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 13:48:39 -0500, Dave Jones wrote:
> If you do that, you'll need to rewrite acpid to use HAL, or do everything
> that acpid does in haldaemon.
> As others mentioned, /proc/acpi/event can only be opened exclusively.

Silly question, but what does acpid actually do on your system? On my
system it doesn't do anything, as I have no events or actions for it to

If it does need to stay, what's wrong with putting 

action=/path/to/hal_addon "%s"

as the default in /etc/acpi/events?

If we can get rid of it, we could just have a hal addon doing:

io = g_io_channel_new_file("/proc/acpi/event", "r", &error);

and just parsing the output and performing a device refresh. Too simple?


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