fstab-sync Issue - I Think

C. Beamer cbeamer at interlynx.net
Mon Jan 31 06:17:18 PST 2005

Hello All,

I solved this situation.  David suggested a number of things and then, 
suggested that it might be a problem with "Disk Management" that I 
should report as a bug.  When I reported the bug, I had to name the 
specific package and later, I decided to do a search.

Previously, I had assumed that the problem was with fstab-sync because 
in earlier versions of Redhat/Fedora, if you wanted to change something 
related to mounting, you edited the fstab file.  So, my searches prior 
to my post were all on fstab-sync.  After posting the bug, I searched on 
'usermount' which is the executable for "Disk Management.  One of the 
hits that I got said that I needed version 1.76 of usermode and 

I keep my system updated, but the version of these two packages on my 
system was only 1.74.  Neither Redhat Update agent nor any yum 
repository that I have set up, flagged these two packages as needing an 
update.  I went to rpmfind and found version 1.78 of these packages for 
Fedora Core 3, and installed them.  After installation, I could mount 
and unmount my devices using Disk Management.

Thanks to all for your help.  As it turned out, my post was misplaced, 
but at least I got guided in the right direction and got the problem solved.



Bob Billing wrote:

> C. Beamer wrote:
>> So, after my responses, do you feel that the problem is with "Disk 
>> Management" as opposed to fstab-sync, in which case, I should file 
>> the suggested bug report?
> I've been fighting this one myself. Is it possible that "Disk 
> management" knows about the "user" flag but not about "managed"?

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