dbus: api or implementation detail

Artem Kachitchkine Artem.Kachitchkin at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 13 08:57:11 PDT 2005


A set of interfaces between HAL and desktop apps represents a contract 
with a well-known stability level (for instance, once HAL reaches 1.0, 
the contract remains valid throughout 1.x releases). Is D-BUS part of 
the contract? From my limited understanding, libhal.h + 
properties/capabilities are what the apps can expect to be stable. D-BUS 
seems to be an implementation detail: HAL could change D-BUS message 
definitions or even switch to a different IPC mechanism without breaking 
the apps, as long as hald and libhal are in sync. Is it true or at least 
the direction HAL is moving towards?


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