Rate guessing code

Søren Hansen sh at linux2go.dk
Wed Nov 2 12:32:17 PST 2005

ons, 02 11 2005 kl. 21:11 +0100, skrev Danny Kukawka:
> As discussed, I would prevent to calculate anything if chargeLevel is negativ. 
> This should already work, but I changed the code a littlebit to reduce 
> unneeded codepaths in this case.

The code in my patch is only run when chargeRate is 0.. I'm not sure
what changed to that respect in your patch?

> I also change the return value of the else-block to prevent suggest the 
> battery is empty.

Good point.

| Søren Hansen    | Linux2Go                  | http://Linux2Go.dk/ |
| Seniorkonsulent | Lindholmsvej 42, 2. TH    | +45 46 90 26 42     |
| sh at linux2go.dk  | 9400 Nørresundby, Denmark | GPG key: E8BDA4E3   |
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