A few HAL problems

Fabian Zeindl fabian at xover.htu.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Sep 14 06:16:04 PDT 2005

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 13:58:56 +0100, Richard Hughes wrote
> >  * HAL is very slow in detecting property changes: plugging in and out the
> > ac-adapter takes about 15 seconds for hal to discover it.
> What version of HAL are you running? the acpi addon in the newest
> version makes my events *instantaneous*

I'm running HAL 0.5.4. I'm testing it with lshal|grep ac_adapter. 
ac_adapter present switches to "false" (resp. "true) after about 15 seconds.

> >  * my PWRF-button doesn't have a state so I can't use it (I think that's acpi
> > related, am I right?)
> It shouldn't have state. You press the button momentarily, and you 
> get a device_condition, unlike a lid, where it can be open or closed.

Can I test somehow if this condition is working? (Perhaps it's a configuration
mistake in ivman).

> >  * my laptop-lid has a state (opened,closed). Hal doesn't discover that.
> It should. Perhaps a bug - it does with mine.

My output of 
sleep 25 && hal-device /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_LID
when I close the lid is:

udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_LID'
  info.udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/acpi_LID'  (string)
  linux.hotplug_type = 4  (0x4)  (int)
  button.has_state = true  (bool)
  button.state.value = true  (bool)
  info.capabilities = { 'button' } (string list)
  info.category = 'button'  (string)
  info.product = 'Lid Switch'  (string)
  button.type = 'lid'  (string)
  info.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'  (string)
  linux.acpi_type = 4  (0x4)  (int)
  linux.acpi_path = '/proc/acpi/button/lid/LID'  (string)

I get the same output when the lid is open. cat
/proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state instantly says "closed" when I close it...


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