Common Power Management : NUT and HAL (stage 1)

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd at
Thu Aug 3 23:42:58 PDT 2006

On Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 09:28:38PM +0200, Arnaud Quette wrote:
> >So, the addon is actually launched with super user privileges so you
> >don't need extra privileges at all. Unless the Debian hal package
> >doesn't work this way. Sjoerd?
> >
> >It does make sense, however, to drop privileges to e.g. the haldaemon
> >user once you have opened a file descriptor to talk to the device. I can
> >put the haldaemon user and group in the .pc file yes?
> NUT udev rules relies on a "nut" user that is only able to read/write
> on the dev. Maybe simply using native udev rules would fixe that race,
> and maybe adding the nut user to the hal group would be needed too.
> I'll make some more test on these points and get back to you...

Just checked the rules on my system, currently on debian the hal udev rules are
run before the hotplug compatibility rules. Could try to rename
050_hal-plugdev.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d to say z99_hal.rules and see if that
helps ?

Also please try to leave the nut user out of the hal group, i don't think it's

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