PermissionDenied Error when entry for optical drives in /etc/fstab

Joerg Doll joerg.doll at
Sun Aug 20 02:41:58 PDT 2006


I am using Gnome 2.14 and hal The main problem is that no icon
for dvds/cds is created when i put them into my optical drive. For my
hard disc it works perfectly. So my settings in gnome seems not to be
the problem.

After running hald from console with "hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes" I
get this error message when closing the optical drive containing a dvd/cd.

/usr/share/hal/scripts/hal-system-storage-mount exited
10:50:55.563 [I] hald_dbus.c:2635: No more methods in queue
10:50:55.563 [I] hald_dbus.c:2680: failed with
'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied' '/dev/hdc found in

When i run hald as descriped above without an entry for my optical drive
in /etc/fstab no error occurs and a desktop icon is available.

10:52:54.292 [D] hald_dbus.c:1192:
/usr/share/hal/scripts/hal-system-storage-mount exited
10:52:54.294 [I] hald_dbus.c:2635: No more methods in queue

Here is a snipped of my /etc/fstab
/dev/hdc     /media/dvdrom  auto   ro,user,unhide,noauto   0      0
/dev/hdd     /media/dvdbrenner  auto    ro,user,unhide,noauto   0     0

What's the reason for the error message? What I have to do to get it
working with a line in /etc/fstab?

Thanks in advance.



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