mount point permissions

Alberto Ruiz aruiz at
Fri Aug 25 08:13:25 PDT 2006

I've been looking at the hal spec, and I haven't been able to find any
option of the storage policy to set the permissions of the mount point.

Use case:
I have a multiuser enviroment (thin clients), and I want the sysadmin (the
one who uses the terminal server as desktop workstation), be able to mount
the removable media through HAL, but, I don't want other users being able to
see the content of the filesystems that he mounts.

This is easy for non-posix file systems, such as VFAT, since I can specify a
uid and gid for all the files, but, since I want this for backup purposes, I
need a posix file system. So, I would like to know if there is a parametric
way to set the default /media/_folder_ permissions for storage media when it
is created (other than hardcoding the hal storage mount script).

Un saludo,
Alberto Ruiz
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