Hard disk power management

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Tue Dec 19 09:59:19 PST 2006

On Tue, 2006-12-19 at 23:09 +0530, kitts wrote:
> On Sunday 17 December 2006 17:07 IST, kitts wrote:
> > I was just looking out for some tool that would help me profile the power
> > consumption so i would know what's taking all that power. If gnome power
> > manager does that ill check it out, but i use KDE.
> OK. I think gnome power manager was a bad idea on my machine. I ve been 
> experiences too many random crashes ever since i installed it.

Please file a bug, this is the first time I've heard it causing random

>  In anycase 
> it still seemed unusable or atleast i dont know how to use it. Does it have 
> a GUI?

Should be in the preferences menu, or launch gnome-power-preferences by

>  it seemed to have it as i would get the usual X messages that i get 
> with gui apps launched with konsole.

Then you can launch with gnome-power-manager --nodaemon

> It seemed to be running as a daemon but i dont know how to use it. Removed 
> it now as my system is good again. Any other app you can sufggest?

I know of none that can produce graphs like gnome-power-manager, sorry.
You could just monitor the rate value using HAL and convert this into a
CSV file.


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