[PATCH][RFC] nokia 770 backlight addon for HAL.

Sergey Lapin slapinid at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 14:54:52 PST 2006

>> +/* Read maximum bl level */
>> +/* TODO: set actual maximum level in property! 
>> + (ask davidz about that)
>> +*/
>> +static void write_backlight(int bl)
> This comment is probably wrong; if you meant that want to change
> laptop_panel.num_levels from the addon instead of setting it from
> an .fdi file... it's perfectly valid however you should do it in the
> addon's main() function before calling addon_is_ready().
I see - it is about that this function is to be used for that :).

>> +       if (!libhal_device_addon_is_ready (halctx, udi, &err)) {
>> +               return -4;
>> +       }
> ...
>> +       if (!libhal_device_claim_interface (halctx, 
> You need to claim the interface before calling addon_is_ready().
It was shamelessly stolen from macbookpro - so JFYI :)

> There's also some stale comments from the Macbook Pro addon you based
> this on I think
Yes, you're right - I forgot to mention that in header, so I'll do it in 
next submit.

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