changing the install location of hal-system-power-pmu to libexec

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Thu Feb 16 15:40:52 PST 2006

Okay, installing hal-system-power-pmu to bin isn't the best of ideas, as
it's only designed to be run by HAL. Nor is it a good idea to install
to /usr/share/hal/scripts, as it's quite clearly not a script.

In CVS, the hal-power-brightness-* scripts assume it's in the latter, so
don't work for pmu at the moment. [1]

David wanted it to go into libexec, for which I've attached a patch, but
It's real messy with the hardcoded /usr/libexec/ bit in each file. The
only way I see around that is to convert each script into a
file that gets 'compiled' with the correct path.

I think the ultimate aim is to move the the FHS for this, but for now
David wants me to use libexec.

Patch attached, but it ain't pretty.


[1] Interesting aside, adding to Artems' discussion, if the scripts were
written in C or python, all this c->script->c tom-foolery wouldn't be
required. We could have one script calling the ioctls, and also echoing
stuff to /proc/acpi. Python could do the ioctl's we require for pmu
without breaking sweat.

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