Crash when using HAL in multiple libraries

William Jon McCann mccann at
Tue Jun 6 17:05:28 PDT 2006

Hey Bastien,

Bastien Nocera wrote:
> No asserts, or anything like that. I was wondering whether someone could
> take a quick look at this bit of code from Totem's playlist parser and
> let me know whether I'm doing something plain stupid with HAL. I mostly
> just copied code from the other 2 programs involved, which might explain
> the problems.

It looks like there is a LibHalContext and CdCache leaked in 

   if (!(cache = cd_cache_new (device, error)))
     return MEDIA_TYPE_ERROR;

   type = cd_cache_disc_is_cdda (cache, error);
   if (type == MEDIA_TYPE_ERROR && *error != NULL)
     return type;

That may be part of it.


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