HAL provides Canon Digital IXUS 40 but not Canon Powershot G2 to system (solved)

Matthew Munro denormalised at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 12 07:51:55 PDT 2006

These are just some novice revelations for your

When gphoto2 couldn't get access to my G2 to list its
files, I plugged my mum's IXUS in, to compare

The IXUS worked fine, so I started to search online
for answers.  I found none, but there were enough
clues to help me to reach my solution, which follows.

In `/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty', I
found a file called `10-camera-libgphoto2.fdi', which
contained descriptions of lots of cameras.  The
`camera.access_method' value of the G2 was
`proprietary' whereas that of the IXUS was `ptp'.

And then, in `/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty'
was a file called `90-gphoto-camera-policy.fdi', which
contained a `ptp' reference, but nothing about

I ended up copying that policy file to
`/etc/hal/fdi/policy', editing it to replace the `ptp'
entry with a `proprietary' one and removing the other
`camera.access_method' entry I found there, (because
it was bound to be superfluous).

One `hald' restart later, all was well.

Now to re-enable SELinux.  :-S

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