volume label

Matthias Bläsing matthias.blaesing at rwth-aachen.de
Mon Mar 20 12:44:17 PST 2006


I just burned two DVDs and was surprised by the interpretation by hal.

volname (as expected):
"KF/KJ Bilder 2 (2004+2005)"

but in hal I get:
volume.label = 'KF_KJ Bilder 2 ('

Is this desired and if yes then why??? This label means, that my desktop
looks ugly (currently gnome 2.12) and I can't recognise the inserted
disc fast ...



Matthias Bläsing (GPG-Schlüsselkennung: A71B4BD5)
ICQ: 84617206   AIM: linuxfun81   MSN: linuxfun at hotmail.com
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