/tmp/hald-local and /tmp/hald-runner

Artem Kachitchkine Artem.Kachitchkin at Sun.COM
Tue May 2 10:30:25 PDT 2006

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> These two directories are vital for HAL to startup.  Yet I do not see
> them created anywhere.  If they are not created manually prior to
> starting hald, then hald will die.  I checked the dbus code, but they do
> not appear to be created there, either.  I'm wondering how this works on
> Linux.  My thoughts on fixing this were to add mkdir(2) calls to
> hald_dbus.c and hald_runner.c just before dbus_server_listen() is
> called.

Aren't they abstract sockets in Linux? Abstract sockets don't have 
filesystem representation, so they are not affected by the problem you 
described. On Solaris, I create these directories in the hal startup 
script. I was also thinking about moving them somewhere safer, such as 


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