[PATCH_ES_] New storage methods for partitioning and formatting

Doug Goldstein cardoe at gentoo.org
Fri Nov 17 17:56:21 PST 2006

Richard Hughes wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 09:06 -0500, Doug Goldstein wrote:
>> No one wants HAL managing partitions and handling formating.
> Yes they do. No desktop user should ever have to touch mkfs or parted.
> Richard.

Well then I don't want HAL on my desktop.... nor server... nor any system.

No person should have their hands held and the system restricted from
them. You can wrap them with a pretty shiny interface within
Gnome/KDE/*desktop but leave this out of HAL... It's ENTIRELY unnecessary.

Doug Goldstein <cardoe at gentoo.org>

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