[PATCH] Getter for the powersave state

Danny Kukawka danny.kukawka at web.de
Mon Nov 27 16:29:28 PST 2006

On Friday 24 November 2006 23:48, Kevin Ottens wrote:
> Hi list,
> Find attached a patch introducing a property to know if we're currently
> saving power or not. We used to have only SetPowerSave method, now we can
> query HAL to know if it was already set.
> Any opinion/comments?

IMO the complete naming and description of the property in the spec is a 
little bit confusing. I would avoid words like in the spec: "if the system is 
currently saving power", because this simply not correct in the hole picture. 
Also the CPU frequency or brightness stuff save power for example.

We should find other names than powersaving. Maybe some function or method 
names (e.g. is_SavePowerSaveCalled or is_SavePowerSaveSet) to be clear that 
the key or the method really refer to the SetPowerSave method (maybe the name 
of the method is not the best). 


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