hal 0.5.8 "The Skynet Funding Bill is passed." released

Holger Macht hmacht at suse.de
Wed Sep 13 17:12:05 PDT 2006

On Thu 14. Sep - 00:51:09, Stefan Schweizer wrote:
> Hi,
> on my two machines I noticed that hal exits with cpufreq.
> The configurations are
> Linux macbook 2.6.18-rc6-git3 #5 SMP Tue Sep 12 14:10:51 CEST 2006 i686
> Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2500  @ 2.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
> Linux shuttle 2.6.18-rc2-git1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 23 23:47:43 CEST 2006
> i686 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
> running hald --verbose=yes --daemon=no results in a segfault.
> My current workaround is mv /usr/libexec/hald-addon-cpufreq /tmp/

Well, the CPUFreq addon is not the problem. I tested it and any addon
which exits (I just added a exit(1) to the start of the main function of
addon-acpi) triggers a HAL segfault :-(

And in your case I think that it is ok that the cpufreq addon exits
because there is no CPUFreq driver driver loaded?

> Read the log below.
> Best regards,
> Stefan
> 00:28:42.696 [I] classdev.c:1339: class_add: subsys=input
> sysfs_path=/sys/class/input/input13/event7 dev=/dev/input/event7
> physdev=0x08308da0
> Run started hald-probe-input (10000) (0)
> !  full path is '/usr/libexec/hald-probe-input', program_dir
> is '/usr/libexec'
> 00:28:42.698 [I] hald_dbus.c:3966: 12756: Got a connection
> 00:28:42.698 [I] hald_dbus.c:3967: dbus_connection_get_is_connected = 1
> 00:28:42.698 [I] hald_dbus.c:3966: 12756: Got a connection
> 00:28:42.698 [I] hald_dbus.c:3967: dbus_connection_get_is_connected = 1
> 00:28:42.698 [D] hald_dbus.c:2528: udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
> 00:28:42.698 [I] hald_dbus.c:2554: AddonIsReady on
> udi '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'
> 00:28:42.699 [D] hald_dbus.c:2528: udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
> 00:28:42.699 [I] hald_dbus.c:2554: AddonIsReady on
> udi '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'
> 00:28:42.699 [D] hald_dbus.c:2457: udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
> 00:28:42.699 [I] hald_dbus.c:2482: Local connection 0x831d660 to handle
> interface 'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.CPUFreq' on
> udi '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer'
> Warning: Error while wite r->input () to stdin_v.
> /usr/libexec/hald-addon-cpufreq exited

Here the addon exists.

> [12765]: 00:28:42.709 [D] probe-input.c:171: Doing probe-input
> for /dev/input/event7 (udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/temp/26)
> [12765]: 00:28:42.709 [D] probe-input.c:188: probe-input: id.bustype=3
> 00:28:42.709 [I] hald_dbus.c:3966: 12756: Got a connection
> 00:28:42.709 [I] hald_dbus.c:3967: dbus_connection_get_is_connected = 1
> 00:28:42.709 [I] hald.c:82: in addon_terminated for
> udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer
> 00:28:42.709 [E] device.c:1334: In hal_device_inc_num_ready_addons for
> udi=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer but all addons are already ready!
> Speicherzugriffsfehler

In device.c, the code tries to access device->udi, which leads to a
segfault AFAICS.


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