volume.ignore vs mount privilege

Artem Kachitchkine Artem.Kachitchkin at Sun.COM
Sun Sep 24 13:52:51 PDT 2006

HAL spec says about volume.ignore:

	This is a hint to software higher in the stack that this volume should
	be ignored. If TRUE, the volume should be invisible in the UI and mount
	wrappers should refuse to mount it on behalf on an unprivileged user.
	This is useful for hiding e.g. firmware partitions (e.g. bootstrap on
	Mac's) and OS reinstall partitions on e.g. OEM systems.

All volume managers are expected to respect this setting. I wonder though if 
Mount() method should unconditionally refuse to mount, like it does today. Is 
volume.ignore really a policy knob or just a hint for automounters? If a user 
really wants to mount those firmware partitions, should he be able to do it 
manually with gnome-mount without fiddling with .fdi? If a sysadmin really wants 
users not to look at some filesystems, should he rather create PolicyKit policies?

The background for this question is that I'd like an easy way to disable all 
HAL-based automounters on the system without disabling each individually - but 
still preserve the ability to mount through HAL manually.


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