Detecting exploding batteries, part 2

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Mon Sep 25 12:35:21 PDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 11:51 -0400, David Zeuthen wrote:
> On the same noted the fdi files for USB music players shouldn't
> either.
> Perhaps we can combine this information and the hardware recall
> information in a separate project and/or tarball called hal-hwinfo. 

If you create hal-hwinfo I don't mind porting over the fdi files and
setting up the initial code - the more I think about this, the more sane
it becomes. Adding it to the git tree (like what was done with
PolicyKit) would allow existing HAL hackers to just switch repos.

I figure (IMO):

* Distros don't want to update HAL in a stable distro because of all the
new scary stuff like PolicyKit and all the latest crazy libparted stuff
we like to come up with.[1]
* Shipping a few updated fdi files as an update is an all-together less
scary thing in a stable distro.


[1] In some cases, scary = crazy = totally sweet.

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