Problem Suspending on Debian Etch

Tim Dijkstra newsuser at
Wed Sep 27 08:16:58 PDT 2006

Op Wed, 27 Sep 2006 15:12:46 +0100
schreef Richard Hughes <hughsient at>:

> On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 10:44 +0200, Roderich Schupp wrote:
> > Looks like none of the gazillion methods to suspend your system that
> > are tried in
> > 
> > /usr/share/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-suspend
> > 
> > does work. File a bug: the Debian maintainer should add a stanza
> > here that stands a chance to work on Debian and also add appropriate
> > Depends/Recommends/Suggests to the hal package. Other scripts
> > in this directory need work, too, e.g.
> > hal-system-power-set-power-save does nothing at all on Debian, but
> > could call laptop_mode etc
> I would *love* for debian to start shipping pm-utils.

I understand it's going to be a dependency of hal, but what is so
wonderful about it? 
I just browsed a bit through webcvs, but it seems to be a framework and
a bunch of scripts with similar purpose to hibernate (the suspend2
tool), but than with much less functionality...
Apart from that it seems to assume build in software suspend, no
possibility to use userspace software suspend or suspend2. In other
words, I don't think it's ready to be a dependency of hal, the current
setup seems better.

grts Tim

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